Fray Luis de León was a Spanish poet, theologian and mystic of the Renaissance, considered one of the most important figures in Spanish literature of the Golden Age. Born in 1527 in Belmonte, in the province of Cuenca, and died in 1591 in Madrigal de las Altas Torres, Fray Luis was a member of the Order of Saint Augustine and professor at the University of Salamanca.

Education and Academic Career Fray Luis de León received an extensive education, studying at the University of Salamanca, where he later taught theology. He was known for his deep knowledge of classical and biblical languages, which allowed him to translate directly from Hebrew and Greek into Spanish.

Literary and Theological Contributions As a writer, Fray Luis de León is famous for his lyrical poetry, which reflects his deep spirituality and his search for inner peace. His best-known poems include “Retired Life” and “Serene Night”. In addition, he wrote works in prose such as “On the Names of Christ”, which is a theological dialogue on the various names of the Messiah, and “The Perfect Married Woman”, which describes the virtues that a wife should have, based on the Book of the Proverbs.

Pursuit and Legacy Fray Luis de León is also remembered for the adversities he faced due to his ideas. He was persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition and spent several years imprisoned (1572-1576) due to his translations of the Bible into Spanish, an activity that at the time was controversial and viewed with suspicion by ecclesiastical authority (inquisition). His defense at trial is legendary, especially his famous statement upon returning to his chair after being acquitted: “We said yesterday…” (“Dicebamus hesterna die…”), picking up exactly where he had left off. his teaching years before.

Fray Luis de León’s impact on literature and theology remains profound. He is celebrated not only for his literary skill and spiritual depth, but also for his courage and his commitment to personal and academic integrity. His poetic work and his life continue to be a testament to his pursuit of truth and beauty through simplicity and contemplation.

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