Church of Saint Christopher

Here I am again with the program of the Salamanca tourist information office “the keys from the city”.

This time I went to visit the church of Saint Christopher, a beautiful Romanesque church. Sadly enough it is closed most of the time. 

This church was founded by the Knight hospitaller in the 12th century the façade that we can see nowadays is from the 16th century. It has been restored in different occasions, the last one was in 1985 and for this it has won the price of Europa nostra.

Inside the church, if open, you can see a beautiful altar of Pedro Hernández. Another curiosity inside is the Christ of the Carboneros from the 13th century which has red lips- signal of life-, big ears-signal of listening- and a belly button painted as an eye.

Outside you can observe the beautiful capitals around the church. It is just one of these marvelous treasures which you can discover in the city of Salamanca. 

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